Director Vijay seems to be the latest celebrity from Tamil film industry, who is set to change his religion. In the recent months, we have read about Yuvan Shankar Raja and actor Jai converting to Islam. Now, the director of Thalaivaa is also converting and it is for none other than his sweetheart Amala Paul.
Rumour mills are working over time over director Vijay and Amala Paul's relationship. Though the couple is yet to address the media to confirm about their marriage, the buzz in the industry is that they will tie the knot in June. The latest speculation that is doing rounds is that Vijay is likely to convert to Christianity.
Vijay is a Hindu and Amala Paul is a Christian. Unconfirmed reports say that there was kind of opposition over the cross religion marriage from the actress' family. Though the couple is not worried about such matters, the families were little concerned about the change in religion. Hence, the director has decided to convert to the Christianity.
In the recent months, Yuvan Shankar Raja had announced his conversion to Islam. He changed the religion without his family's opposition. Last week, we also heard about actor Jai changing his religion. But there was no confirmation in his case.
Rumour mills are working over time over director Vijay and Amala Paul's relationship. Though the couple is yet to address the media to confirm about their marriage, the buzz in the industry is that they will tie the knot in June. The latest speculation that is doing rounds is that Vijay is likely to convert to Christianity.
Vijay is a Hindu and Amala Paul is a Christian. Unconfirmed reports say that there was kind of opposition over the cross religion marriage from the actress' family. Though the couple is not worried about such matters, the families were little concerned about the change in religion. Hence, the director has decided to convert to the Christianity.
In the recent months, Yuvan Shankar Raja had announced his conversion to Islam. He changed the religion without his family's opposition. Last week, we also heard about actor Jai changing his religion. But there was no confirmation in his case.
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