Bollywood Heartthrob Ranveer Singh has signed up, India's leading fashion and lifestyle e-commerce platform. Ranveer will endorse the most contemporary Jeanswear brand from - Roadster that demonstrates both style and performance. This association further marks the company's focus on establishing itself as the fashion brand for young India.
Roadster is Myntra's flagship in-house brand which has become one of the top selling brands on within a short span of 15 months.
Speaking on the association, Vikas Ahuja, Chief Marketing Officer, Myntra said, " Signing on Ranveer Singh is a sturdy step towards the evolution of the Roadster brand, which we intend to take to another level. Ranveer's power-packed and unconventional persona makes him the ideal choice for Roadster."
'Gunday' actor Ranveer Singh said, "I have always been very selective when it comes to brand associations because I believe that who you associate with says a lot about you. Roadster is a brand I took a liking to instantly, the clothes are wonderful and are more than real value for the price point they are pitched. Most importantly however, I subscribe to its philosophy of not being bound to any societal norms and I'm really looking forward to doing some great work with Roadster as we continue ahead on the journey."
Roadster is Myntra's flagship in-house brand which has become one of the top selling brands on within a short span of 15 months.
Speaking on the association, Vikas Ahuja, Chief Marketing Officer, Myntra said, " Signing on Ranveer Singh is a sturdy step towards the evolution of the Roadster brand, which we intend to take to another level. Ranveer's power-packed and unconventional persona makes him the ideal choice for Roadster."
'Gunday' actor Ranveer Singh said, "I have always been very selective when it comes to brand associations because I believe that who you associate with says a lot about you. Roadster is a brand I took a liking to instantly, the clothes are wonderful and are more than real value for the price point they are pitched. Most importantly however, I subscribe to its philosophy of not being bound to any societal norms and I'm really looking forward to doing some great work with Roadster as we continue ahead on the journey."
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