Kannada actor Diganth and Bangalore Lass Ragini Dwivedi have been paired opposite for the first time in Yogaraj Bhat's productional debut Parapancha, which is presently in the shooting stage. The actress, who took her micro-blogging site to reveal her picture with Diganth is seen enjoying his company on the set.
"Ragini Dwivedi and @diganthmanchale welcome you to Parapancha (veg /non-veg) ;)," Tweeted Ragini, who is seen sharing a good on-screen chemistry with Diganth. Parapancha is the directorial debut Krish Joshi, who was the former associate director of Sandalwood's ace filmmaker Yogaraj Bhat. The newbie has also roped in his guru Bhat to play an important role in the film.
The glam doll Ragini will be seen as a call girl in the movie, for which she is very excited and started to prepare for the role. In Parapancha, she will be seen as a bar dancer cum call girl. Now, the Kempe Gowda's actress has decided to meet a few bar dancers to understand their behaviour and body language.
Ragini will also be doing an item number in the film something like her popular item dance 'Thuppa beka thuppa' from the movie Kalla Malla Sulla. It is written by Yogaraj Bhat and Veera Samarth is composing the music.
"Ragini Dwivedi and @diganthmanchale welcome you to Parapancha (veg /non-veg) ;)," Tweeted Ragini, who is seen sharing a good on-screen chemistry with Diganth. Parapancha is the directorial debut Krish Joshi, who was the former associate director of Sandalwood's ace filmmaker Yogaraj Bhat. The newbie has also roped in his guru Bhat to play an important role in the film.
The glam doll Ragini will be seen as a call girl in the movie, for which she is very excited and started to prepare for the role. In Parapancha, she will be seen as a bar dancer cum call girl. Now, the Kempe Gowda's actress has decided to meet a few bar dancers to understand their behaviour and body language.
Ragini will also be doing an item number in the film something like her popular item dance 'Thuppa beka thuppa' from the movie Kalla Malla Sulla. It is written by Yogaraj Bhat and Veera Samarth is composing the music.
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