Actor Jagapathi Babu, who ruled as a charming romantic hero, recently revealed that he will play Superstar Mahesh Babu's father in his forthcoming movie. Now, Koratala Siva, who is directing this untitled Telugu project, says that he was impressed with his performance in Nandamuri Balakrishna's recent hit movie Legend and he felt that he will fit the bill perfectly in his second directorial venture.
Koratala Siva said, "I had planned to rope in someone new for the father's role and when I watched Jagapathi's performance in Legend, I knew I had my man." The director added, "He (Jagapathi) didn't want to play a villain again so when I had approached him with this role (in the new film), he instantly agreed to do it. He was very particular that he didn't want to get typecast in a role."
Mahesh Babu, who is currently busy shooting for Telugu action film Aagadu, will start shooting for this new project soon. Shruti Haasan has been reportedly been roped in opposite Mahesh in the film, which will be produced by Mythri Movies. Meanwhile, Jagapthi Babu has not stopped playing lead roles. One of his Telugu films titled "April Fool", starring him in the lead role, is gearing up for release soon.
Koratala Siva said, "I had planned to rope in someone new for the father's role and when I watched Jagapathi's performance in Legend, I knew I had my man." The director added, "He (Jagapathi) didn't want to play a villain again so when I had approached him with this role (in the new film), he instantly agreed to do it. He was very particular that he didn't want to get typecast in a role."
Mahesh Babu, who is currently busy shooting for Telugu action film Aagadu, will start shooting for this new project soon. Shruti Haasan has been reportedly been roped in opposite Mahesh in the film, which will be produced by Mythri Movies. Meanwhile, Jagapthi Babu has not stopped playing lead roles. One of his Telugu films titled "April Fool", starring him in the lead role, is gearing up for release soon.
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