The Tamil remake of the recent Malayalam blockbuster Drishyam, is set to kickstart in the first week of June. There are many speculations surrounding the cast and crew of this film with names such as Ilayaraja and Simran doing the rounds.
But when we contacted a source close to the project, we came to know that only veteran writer Jeyamohan has been confirmed for the project and that he will be writing the dialogues for the film.
Currently, the writer is working in association with director Jeetu Joseph to perfect the dialogues for the Tamil version.
Kamal Haasan will be doing the lead role in the Tamil remake and he will begin work on the film after he completes his commitments for Uthama Villain in one stretch. Uthama Villain got underway in Bangalore today, the 3rd March.
But when we contacted a source close to the project, we came to know that only veteran writer Jeyamohan has been confirmed for the project and that he will be writing the dialogues for the film.
Currently, the writer is working in association with director Jeetu Joseph to perfect the dialogues for the Tamil version.
Kamal Haasan will be doing the lead role in the Tamil remake and he will begin work on the film after he completes his commitments for Uthama Villain in one stretch. Uthama Villain got underway in Bangalore today, the 3rd March.
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