Theeratha Vilayattu Pillai actress Neetu Chandra revealed the actual reason why she was avoiding Telugu movies. Neetu claimed she was very threatened by Telugu actor Rajasekhar who used to be heavily drunk and always carried a gun while being on the film shoots.
The actress said she was so scared that that she made a point to never star in Telugu movies again. However after she shared this story with Nagarjuna he convinced her to make a re-entry. Here are the tweets made by Neetu Chandra on the above incident
The actress said she was so scared that that she made a point to never star in Telugu movies again. However after she shared this story with Nagarjuna he convinced her to make a re-entry. Here are the tweets made by Neetu Chandra on the above incident
My worst experience on a film set ever #ActorRajshekhar of @telguindustry use to be drunk n carrying gun on sets.. That scared me..
— Neetu Chandra (@Neetu_Chandra) March 2, 2014
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