Friday 9 May 2014

  • Medical Report of Inder Kumar Case Conforms His Rape

    More trouble for rape accused actor Inder Kumar as the medical report of the victim has confirmed that the 23-years-old model was raped.

    Moreover, the medical report also revealed that the victim was brutally tortured as there were burn and cut marks on her body.

    While, Inder Kumar has been claiming the act to be a consensual one, the victim's medical report confirmed the rape charges and also the brutality that the girl underwent.

    "There are signs of cigarette burn marks on her shoulders and neck, bite marks on her arms and marks of her being stabbed with a fork," said a police source.

    "The medical reports have confirmed the crime and will assist in strengthening the case further," said the cop. The victim in her statement also alleged that Inder attacked her with a beer bottle which also got reflected on the medical report.

    On the other side, Inder claiming innocence has been stating that he had physical relationship with the girl with her consent. "She readily accepted my proposal and I didn't force her. I never abused her either. I admit that I got intimate with her as I was having problems with my wife but I never raped her," stated the accused actor.

    Inder's wife Pallavi Saraf also has been claiming her husband to be innocent putting all the blames on the victim. "I agree my husband did a mistake but he never raped her. I won't let that girl to take advantage of the problems in our relationship and I will surely fight for my husband," said Inder's wife Pallavi Saraf.

    The victim in her statement stated that Inder Kumar kept her locked in a room for two days and sexually assaulted her with the warning that he would kill her sister of she files any complaint about it.

    Inder Kumar is known to be a close friend of superstar Salman Khan but his supposed close aid till date has not come up with any comment about this case.

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