Days before the release of Race Gurram movie, A series of Shruti Haasan images surfaced online. These images were distasteful to say the least and went viral in just matter of minutes. The actress came under severe scrutiny after fans went on to call it a cheap publicity stunt.
"I'm furious! What really bothers me is that these stills were not pre-approved by the production house or me. Those pics were shot on location while I was shooting for a song. And like it happens with most pictures that are shot when you are dancing, some of these were taken from unflattering angles. They were never meant to be released and should have been deleted right away," says Shruti.
"People have been asking me why I would pose in such an unflattering manner for publicity. I didn't know how to react! Truth is, I have never believed in this kind of cheap publicity. There's no way you can control such things and this could happen to anyone"
"I am filing an FIR in Hyderabad. I want to get to the bottom of this issue and I want to know who uploaded the pictures. Someone has to take responsibility. I don't know a world beyond cinema, this is where I have grown up and I trust people here like I would trust my own family. This is a breach of trust," Said Shruti.
"I'm furious! What really bothers me is that these stills were not pre-approved by the production house or me. Those pics were shot on location while I was shooting for a song. And like it happens with most pictures that are shot when you are dancing, some of these were taken from unflattering angles. They were never meant to be released and should have been deleted right away," says Shruti.
"People have been asking me why I would pose in such an unflattering manner for publicity. I didn't know how to react! Truth is, I have never believed in this kind of cheap publicity. There's no way you can control such things and this could happen to anyone"
"I am filing an FIR in Hyderabad. I want to get to the bottom of this issue and I want to know who uploaded the pictures. Someone has to take responsibility. I don't know a world beyond cinema, this is where I have grown up and I trust people here like I would trust my own family. This is a breach of trust," Said Shruti.
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