In a special interview done by Actor Vivek for a leading Tamil television channel, Superstar Rajinikanth was asked about what he respected the most in actors Ajith & Vijay.
"Younger superstars look up to you as a role model. They love you so much. What are their qualities you love the most ?", asked Vivek.
Rajinikanth was quick to reply, "I admire Ajith's frankness, whereas I admire Vijay's silence and calmness. I have heard about his calmness and focus even on sets. Though every fan of both the actors know about these qualities, I believe these are important qualities and I would like to emphasize about them here."
"Younger superstars look up to you as a role model. They love you so much. What are their qualities you love the most ?", asked Vivek.
Rajinikanth was quick to reply, "I admire Ajith's frankness, whereas I admire Vijay's silence and calmness. I have heard about his calmness and focus even on sets. Though every fan of both the actors know about these qualities, I believe these are important qualities and I would like to emphasize about them here."
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