It's known fact that Hattrick hero Shivaraj Kumar and Sandalwood's dream girl Radhika Kumaraswamy has teamed up again after eight years for another brother-sister sentiment movie, which has been titled as Bangarada Vamsha. The latest update about the movie is that the movie will see the lead actor Shivanna and Radhika in the dual role.
Centurion Star Shivanna and Radhika who had vowed Kannada audience with Tavarige Ba Tangi and Anna Tangi are reportedly doing another brother-sister sentiment movie. As per the earlier reports, Bangarada Vamsha will also be directed by Sai Prakash, who had also done the previous movies of Shivaraj Kumar and Radhika.
The news of lead actors playing dual role is confirmed by none other than Radhika Kumaraswamy herself, who is presently shooting for Rudrataandava, the Kannada remake of Tamil hit Pandiya Nadu. "There will be two stories in the movie. One which will be about rebirth will see us in de-glam roles and in another we will be playing contemporary characters. It is always exciting to work with Shivanna. I am eagerly waiting to work with him again," added Radhika, who recently made her comeback with Sweety Nanna Jodi.
Sources said that Shivaraj Kumar will be seen as a rich man in the movie, and director Sai Prakash has decided to release the movie for 2014's Raksha Bandan festival.
Centurion Star Shivanna and Radhika who had vowed Kannada audience with Tavarige Ba Tangi and Anna Tangi are reportedly doing another brother-sister sentiment movie. As per the earlier reports, Bangarada Vamsha will also be directed by Sai Prakash, who had also done the previous movies of Shivaraj Kumar and Radhika.
The news of lead actors playing dual role is confirmed by none other than Radhika Kumaraswamy herself, who is presently shooting for Rudrataandava, the Kannada remake of Tamil hit Pandiya Nadu. "There will be two stories in the movie. One which will be about rebirth will see us in de-glam roles and in another we will be playing contemporary characters. It is always exciting to work with Shivanna. I am eagerly waiting to work with him again," added Radhika, who recently made her comeback with Sweety Nanna Jodi.
Sources said that Shivaraj Kumar will be seen as a rich man in the movie, and director Sai Prakash has decided to release the movie for 2014's Raksha Bandan festival.
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