The trailer of Hindi version of Kochadaiiyaan was launched recently in Mumbai which was attended by Amitabh Bachchan, Balki, Jaya Bachchan, Aishwarya Rai, Kajol along with the superstar and his director daughter Soundarya. A special version of the making of the film was also screened.
While talking about Rajinikanth, Amitabh heaped praises on the superstar and said that he is like his family member. He also recalled his conversation with Rajini during Robot days and stated that Rajini was bored of his work then and had hinted at retirement. Amitabh adds, “I told him not to retire and keep working and look at what he has given now”.
He also appreciated Soundarya and said that she has proved that women in India are capable of doing their best. Kochadaiiyaan is all set to hit the screens soon.
While talking about Rajinikanth, Amitabh heaped praises on the superstar and said that he is like his family member. He also recalled his conversation with Rajini during Robot days and stated that Rajini was bored of his work then and had hinted at retirement. Amitabh adds, “I told him not to retire and keep working and look at what he has given now”.
He also appreciated Soundarya and said that she has proved that women in India are capable of doing their best. Kochadaiiyaan is all set to hit the screens soon.
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