Kallappadam is an upcoming film being directed by Vadivel. The director plans to release a single track from the film tomorrow, 8th March on International Women’s Day.
While we are bombarded by women bashing and women ridiculing songs in our films, Vadivel’s song appears to be a fresh breather.
Talking about this to behindwoods correspondent, Vadivel says, “These days we have so many songs that deride women and talk ill of them and they are all from a man’s perspective. But I have conceived a number which will be from a woman’s side telling the men folk not to indulge in such acts. This will not be in an aggressive tone but rather in a friendly manner”.
The song titled “Yenda dei pasangala, summa irungada” is written by Mani Amudhavan and sung by Magizhini Manimaran to the tunes of K. The director also reveals that although the song will be in rap style, there will not be English words but will be in Tamil only. Magizhini who is a folk singer will be heard singing a rap for the first time.
Vadivel states, “The song will encompass all those crimes that are being committed in current times against women from acid throwing to molestation to rape and there would be a plea of sorts to abstain from such deeds”.
He adds that this song is very much part of the film. Kallappadam has completed shooting and is in the last leg of post-production and would be wrapped in a week. The film features Vadivel, Gaugin, Sriram Santosh and K reprising their real life roles as director, editor, cinematographer and music director respectively. Lakshmi Priya plays the female lead.
While we are bombarded by women bashing and women ridiculing songs in our films, Vadivel’s song appears to be a fresh breather.
Talking about this to behindwoods correspondent, Vadivel says, “These days we have so many songs that deride women and talk ill of them and they are all from a man’s perspective. But I have conceived a number which will be from a woman’s side telling the men folk not to indulge in such acts. This will not be in an aggressive tone but rather in a friendly manner”.
The song titled “Yenda dei pasangala, summa irungada” is written by Mani Amudhavan and sung by Magizhini Manimaran to the tunes of K. The director also reveals that although the song will be in rap style, there will not be English words but will be in Tamil only. Magizhini who is a folk singer will be heard singing a rap for the first time.
Vadivel states, “The song will encompass all those crimes that are being committed in current times against women from acid throwing to molestation to rape and there would be a plea of sorts to abstain from such deeds”.
He adds that this song is very much part of the film. Kallappadam has completed shooting and is in the last leg of post-production and would be wrapped in a week. The film features Vadivel, Gaugin, Sriram Santosh and K reprising their real life roles as director, editor, cinematographer and music director respectively. Lakshmi Priya plays the female lead.
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