Actress Priya Anand has been time and again linked up with Atharva Murali. The duo who are acting together in Irumbu Kuthirai have been romantically linked up by almost every daily and magazine there is.
There even some rumors which said Priya Anand has influenced Atharva's professional decisions including his recent one to fire his managers who have been working since the time of his late father Actor Murali.
Priya Anand in a media interaction thrashed those rumors stating she was not in love with Anyone, Priya went on to clarify that Atharva was just a good friend who she spends time with and is a very good person at heart and a decent man.
There even some rumors which said Priya Anand has influenced Atharva's professional decisions including his recent one to fire his managers who have been working since the time of his late father Actor Murali.
Priya Anand in a media interaction thrashed those rumors stating she was not in love with Anyone, Priya went on to clarify that Atharva was just a good friend who she spends time with and is a very good person at heart and a decent man.
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