Three Tamil movies which met with good success back home in Tamil Nadu are releasing today in Andhra in their respective Telugu dubbed versions. We are talking about Ivan Vera Mathiri, Veeram and the recent Thegidi which are releasing in Telugu as Citizen, Veerudokkade and Bhadram respectively.
Ajith fans are generating good buzz for Veerudokkade in Twitter, while the buzz for Thegidi is also good as the movie is among the latest Tamil hits which has been appreciated for its stunning content. All the three movies are getting good enough screens as there is no big Telugu release this week. Two youngsters, Ashok Selvan and Vikram Prabhu, will be testing the waters in Andhra with their respective releases today.
Here's wishing that all the 3 movies put up good numbers at the Andhra box-office too.
Ajith fans are generating good buzz for Veerudokkade in Twitter, while the buzz for Thegidi is also good as the movie is among the latest Tamil hits which has been appreciated for its stunning content. All the three movies are getting good enough screens as there is no big Telugu release this week. Two youngsters, Ashok Selvan and Vikram Prabhu, will be testing the waters in Andhra with their respective releases today.
Here's wishing that all the 3 movies put up good numbers at the Andhra box-office too.
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